2021 Fellowship of St. Moses the Black Conference
Our 28th annual conference:
“Peace through the blood of the Cross:
drawing together the divided ones.”
(Colossians 1:20)
October 8-9, 2021
Special thanks to our sponsors of this year’s conference:

Conference Talks
Mother Katherine Weston
FSMB Board President
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU_PpgHjuAM
M. Katherine’s books: mosestheblack.org/resources/books
Fr. Dn. Jonathan Reavis
FSMB Board Member
“They Will Be Called Sons of God: Orthodox Peacemaking through Solidarity and Sacrifice”
Dn. Jonathan will examine the tradition of peacemaking in the desert fathers and in other saints in the Orthodox Christian tradition, as well as in the Scriptures. Dn. Jonathan will then draw out specific teaching from the Scriptures and the Fathers on how to “acquire the Spirit of Peace” that thousands around us might be saved.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdEz-dy0Pn8
Fr. Turbo Qualls
“On Earth as it is in Heaven”
Fr. Turbo will use The Our Father to explore how the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black can facilitate reconciliation according to the theme of this years conference.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsbg_vY1zhM
Fr. Dn. Stephen Muse, Ph.D.
“Christ the Target of Man: Remaining Faithful to the Unity from Above In Response to the Striving for Unity from Below”
Contemporary American society is witnessing a battle of competing narratives, each of which in different ways, departs from the Christ of Apostolic witness. Fr. Dn. Stephen Muse will use the Lord’s prayer for the theological “GPS coordinates” of an Orthodox approach to these issues and drawing on neurobiological foundations of trauma and the lessons of Nazi Germany as lenses to consider the current unfolding sociological conditions that we find ourselves in.
Fr. Dn. Stephen is a pastoral psychotherapist, CPE supervisor and marriage and family therapist. He directs Clergy-in-Kairos at the Pastoral Institute, a week long intensive therapy and discernment program for clergy (and their spouses).
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CihWCPU-D4k
More by Fr. Dn. Stephen Muse: Talks via Ancient Faith, Blog reflections
Abbot Damascene Christensen
“Orthodox Patristic Themes in Golden Age African American Gospel Music”
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxuGdQgAuPY
“My Journey to Orthodoxy”
Shankevia Mitchell is a member of St. John The Wonderworker in Atlanta, Georgia where she and her family have been members for 6 years. Wife to Cecil MItchell and mother to their 3 children.
Shezza Shagarabi is an Orthodox Christian living in Atlanta, GA. She came to the faith three years ago and has been actively engaged with the Atlanta chapter of FSMB since 2019.
Arita Damroze is a parishioner at St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church in Kansas City, Missouri and is the Secretary of the Executive Board of the FSMB.
Monica Henderson is from Kansas City, Missouri and is a member of St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ2om5b_n84
Fr. Alexii Altschul
FSMB Spiritual Advisor
“A Costly Peace: The Call to Gather in Troubled Times”
Following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, from the early days of the Church, Christians have taken up the call to love enemies and those that hate them. We will look at historical examples as well as those of recent times. In the end, we will see that True Peace is found through the ‘Blood of the Cross.’
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVp7wz-VhdU
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete: archangelmichaelskete.org
Past Conference Videos

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