2022 Fellowship of St. Moses the Black Conference
Baptizing Culture: We heard them speak in our own tongues the mighty works of God. (Acts 2:11)

October 14-16, 2022
Host parish:
St. Moses the Black Orthodox Church
2038 Bedford Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
This year’s conference will be our first in a hybrid format, taking place simultaneously in person in Pittsburgh and also online!
Come join us for the 29th Annual Fellowship of St. Moses the Black Conference as we explore what it means to “Baptize Culture!” Is this a new idea, or does it have deep roots in Christian Faith and practice? How has the “baptism of culture” helped cultural groups, through the centuries, to draw closer to Christ and live a Christian life? What are the implications for Orthodox Christian life and outreach in the Americas? Which aspects of our cultures are most suitable and favorable for “baptism” so that we can hear “in our own tongues the mighty works of God?”
Donate to the Conference: http://mosestheblack.org/donate/
Purchase aSt. Moses the Black T-Shirt: http://mosestheblack.org/2022/04/fsmb-t-shirts/
Conference Speakers
Father Moses Berry
- President Emeritus
- Priest of the Orthodox Church in America
- Curator of the Ozarks Afro-American Heritage Museum
- National speaker on African American history
- Contributor to An Unbroken Circle: Linking Ancient African Christianity to the African American Experience
Presentation of the Jeweled Cross to Fr. Moses
Mother Katherine Weston
- Nun in the Orthodox Church
- President of FSMB
- Master’s in pastoral care and counseling
- Licensed Counselor
- Author and International Speaker
Dr. Carla Thomas
- FSMB Legacy Member
- Board of Trustees-St. Vladimir Seminary
- Family Physician
Dr. Zhanna Lehmann
- Founder and Director of the Illinois Orthodox Choir
- Instructor at the Illinois String Academy of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rev. Dr. Alexander Goussetis
- Director of the Center for Family Care of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
- Author of Practicing Prayer: A Daily Workbook
- Parish Priest at Transfiguration Orthodox Church in Pennsylvania
- Host of the podcast Family Matters on Ancient Faith Radio
Fr. Dcn. John Gresham
- Deacon at St. Basil the Great Orthodox Church
- Author of Become All Flame: Lent with African Saints
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Philadelphia Chapter of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black
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