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Invitation to the new FSMB Women’s Prayer Group

Greetings in the Lord!

For many years our sisters in the Lord within the Fellowship have been asking what avenues of ministry are open to them as women in the Church. Responding to that question and the urgent need for spiritual upliftment in these times, Mother Katherine and the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black are starting a Women’s Prayer Group. This will provide a place for them to voice their concerns in ways that seek or provide solace for their burdens through prayers and the love of Christ without political “noise.” It is an opportunity to bring the grace of our Lord to bear on situations through collective, intercessory prayer.

The group will function in two areas: a private Facebook group and an email list. The Facebook group will allow for members to share prayer requests and updates; the email list will share these and any other submissions periodically, as a way for women to participate outside of Facebook.

The group is for Orthodox women or catechumens who are in support of the mission of the Fellowship. It is not a Chapter, but another way to connect. For more information and to join, visit: http://mosestheblack.org/join/womens-prayer-group.