Akathist for Healing

Kontakion 1
O Great Physician of soul and bodies, O Lord Jesus Christ, look down upon us for we are perishing in the sea of affliction. Extend to us your arm full of tender mercy and compassion. For who has an arm like yours which is strong and mighty? Suffer us to come unto you that we may be healed. From the depths of our sin-sick souls we cry: Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Ikos 1
Four friends lowered a sick man through Peter’s roof in order to reach the Unreachable One. To reveal your consubstantial nature and oneness with the Father and the Holy Spirit, O Lord, You recognized their faith, forgave his sins and healed him saying, “The Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins… arise, take up your bed…” (Mark 2:10)
Jesus, balm of Gilead restoring health.
Jesus, empowerment of the apostles.
Jesus, sweet relief of those in pain.
Jesus, surgeon deftly cutting away putrefaction.
Jesus, whose strength is perfected in weakness.
Jesus, healer of souls by pain of heart in the spirit of devotion.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 2
O Lord, if You should count iniquities, who could remain standing. We are the sheep of your pasture. Feed us on the grass of your Holy Mysteries.
Ikos 2
O Holy Lady, Joy of All Who Sorrow, we beseech you to bend the tender ear of your Son that He may hear our heartfelt cries, see our repentant tears and feel our thankful joy.
Jesus, invincible bulwark and builder of the body of the Church.
Jesus, exhortation of the weak.
Jesus, tamer of the passions.
Jesus, Father of the prodigal awaiting our return.
Jesus, crusher of grudges.
Jesus, Great Physician heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 3
Cover us with the garment of gladness, O Lord. Grant unto us health of salvation that we may serve you with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Ikos 3
Out of Saint Mary Magdalena, You cast seven demons. So also set at naught the machinations of the evil one and save our souls.
Jesus, who deepens faith through tribulation.
Jesus, provider of all our needs and some of our wants.
Jesus, anointed by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel.
Jesus, wing which allows us to abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
Jesus, who rides on the Cherubim.
Jesus, whose ways cannot be known.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 4
Saint Seraphim of Sarov patiently suffered with sickness for several years. Never groaning nor complaining, he was healed by the prayers of the Most Holy Mother of God.
Ikos 4
The holy and righteous Job bore his boils nobly, exclaiming, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him… I know that my Redeemer lives… .”
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, help us to see Your face on every face.
Jesus, teach us how to be poor in spirit that we may attain the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus, teach us to be meek, that we may master our passions and not be enslaved to them.
Jesus, wise doctor who weakens the passion of anger through troubles.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 5
Short Zacchaeus climbed high to glimpse the Lord. Thus by a small effort, he received healing of his greed by the Lord who sees all and is the source of all holiness. Abba Moses, the Ethiopian, also imparted much wisdom by his advice that a little effort on our part results in a large response on God’s part.
Ikos 5
The elder, Saint Paul the Simple, fasted and stood resolutely in the heat of the desert, praying humbly to the God of Saint Anthony. Since the Lord does not despise a poor and contrite heart, he obtained healing for a child whom others could not help. Crushing the audacity of the prince of demons, the Lord rewarded the fervent plea of his long-suffering servant.
Jesus, protector of orphans and widows.
Jesus, source of correction, enrichment and exhortation.
Jesus permits the gift of sickness for the chastisement of the soul.
Jesus, helper of our unbelief.
Jesus, Great Physician heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 6
As a sign of the Messiah, a man born blind was given eyes. So now purify our hearts and open our spiritual eyes that we may see God. Neither the blind man nor his parents had sinned. Yet, he suffered for Christ sake, that the glory of God could be revealed.
Ikos 6
Lazarus was brought back to life while the green fig tree lost its vitality. O Daystar from on high, You alone give life and You alone take life. Blessed be the name of the Lord who does all things well and makes no mistake.
Jesus, divine fire igniting lukewarm souls.
Jesus, gardener who pulls up evil roots and prunes the healthy vines.
Jesus, peace that passes understanding.
Jesus, courage of the martyrs.
Jesus, bridge over trouble waters.
Jesus, grace for those who elect to forego power, riches and earthly glory.
Jesus, Great Physician heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 7
Though we are prodigal, suffer us to return to Your loving arms and to wear again the ring of eternal love, O only lover of mankind.
Ikos 7
Help us, O Lord, to expel evil and cultivate goodness in our hearts. May the ever-flowing streams of your healing mercy sanctify us.
Jesus, strength of fasters.
Jesus, whose blood turns tares to wheat.
Jesus, begotten of the Father before time began.
Jesus, depth indiscernible by worldly wisdom.
Jesus, who stands knocking at the door of our hearts.
Jesus, hand extended to us as we walk on the water of life.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 8
Keep us, O God, from quenching the Holy Spirit. Keep us from being a Prodigal big brother, for You despise a proud heart. Indeed, lack of compassion is one of the greatest sins.
Ikos 8
The glory of the Unmercenary Healers is Christ, who has been crucified and now sits at the right hand of the Father. His kingdom shall have no end. Since freely have the saints received grace, freely will they pray for us.
Jesus, reconciler of wounded souls.
Jesus, to whom belongs glory and honor, dominion and power.
Jesus, propitiation of our souls.
Jesus, seeker of the lost and finder of those who seek.
Jesus, Light of Light, True God of True God.
Jesus, food for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 9
The man with the withered hand stretched it forth in faith to you. O Lord, to soften the hard hardheartedness of the Pharisees, You restored him to health on the Sabbath.
Ikos 9
To relieve us of the burden of the old covenant, You came, O Christ, to fulfill the law. We have all fallen short of the glory of God, yet now we are sanctified by the Law of Grace.
Jesus, resurrection of our souls.
Jesus, model for living and epitome of meekness.
Jesus, renewal of our minds.
Jesus, swift responder to fervent prayers.
Jesus, consolation of the sorrowful.
Jesus, Hypostatic Wisdom of the Trinity.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and save us.
Kontakion 10
The casting out of demons from Legion show that Christ can heal the worst of sinners. Therefore, let us not judge those who are ill.
Ikos 10
Saint Sampson declined the Emperor’s gold for himself. Instead, he built a hospital and shelter for the sick and needy. Let us also seek works of repentance and heavenly treasure, which moth and rust cannot destroy.
Jesus, diligent director of our lives.
Jesus, who dispels evil thoughts.
Jesus, who gives serenity to those with thorns.
Jesus, so high you can’t get over Him.
Jesus, so wide you can’t get around Him.
Jesus, King of Glory and Prince of Peace whose kingdom is not of this world.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 11
The ruler of the Jews required the presence of the Lord for the healing of his daughter. Yet the centurion took the greater leap of faith and received healing for his servant by accepting His Word.
Ikos 11
Glory to God who does all things well. He stretches out the heavens and bows them to touch the earth. With His finger of love, He touches the mountains of our souls, and they smoke.
Jesus, captain who guides us through storms and serene seas.
Jesus, who created herbs for the service of man.
Jesus, who teaches us to turn the cheek in order to be meek.
Jesus, sustainer of all who call upon His Name.
Jesus, the sole satisfaction of our souls.
Jesus, strong deliverer who helps us escape the snare of temptation.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 12
As a poor widow cast in two mites, so do we cast all our cares at your Throne of Grace. All who labor and are heavy laden seek rest from you, for You have said, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Ikos 12
O Lily of the Valley, refresh our deadened souls with confession and the Body and Blood of Communion, for we are the first among sinners.
Jesus, tender hand assuaging sickness.
Jesus, flowing stream of healing mercies.
Jesus, love that runs from heart to heart.
Jesus, hope of the homeless.
Jesus, Rose of Sharon, awaken our souls with fervent prayer and fragrant incense.
Jesus, glory of the angels.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 13
“Is anyone sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” (Thrice)
Ikos 1
Four friends lowered a sick man through Peter’s roof in order to reach the Unreachable One. To reveal your consubstantial nature and oneness with the Father and the Holy Spirit, O Lord, You recognized their faith, forgave his sins and healed him saying, “The Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins… arise, take up your bed… .” (Mark 2:10)
Jesus, balm of Gilead restoring health.
Jesus, empowerment of the apostles.
Jesus, sweet relief of those in pain.
Jesus, surgeon deftly cutting away putrefaction.
Jesus, whose strength is perfected in weakness.
Jesus, healer of souls by pain of heart in the spirit of devotion.
Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Kontakion 1
O Great Physician of soul and bodies, O Lord Jesus Christ, look down upon us for we are perishing in the sea of affliction. Extend to us your arm full of tender mercy and compassion. For who has an arm like yours which is strong and mighty? Suffer us to come unto you that we may be healed. From the depths of our sin sick souls we cry: Jesus, Great Physician, heal us and forgive us.
Prayer for the Sick
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners. For of our own selves, we have accomplished nothing worthy in Your sight. Neither were we present when You created the heavens and the earth. Hear now our suppliant plea for mercy. Heal us of all that separates us from You. For You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. We joyfully thank You for healing and forgiveness. For our thorns, trials and tribulations, teach us to bear them, as we struggle to carry our crosses. Help us to surrender to you all our cares and tears, knowing that You have suffered with us. We trust that You will not put more on us than we can bear, yet we hasten to be purified that we may see you and love you.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Copyright 2007, Sts. Cosmas and Damian Society
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