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Become a Member

Where to start?

The Fellowship operates as a network of local chapters and individuals who are united in our Mission and Vision. The first step to getting involved is to start with prayer and study.

  • If there is a Chapter near you, reach out to the local Chapter Chair about attending a meeting.
  • If there is no Chapter near you, gather together a few Orthodox faithful to pray an Akathist, share a meal, and/or have a book study. You can reach out to our Membership Committee for ongoing support and resources. This is not a Chapter, but a good way to start.

Want to go further?

Become a Fellowship Member

Once you become familiar with who we are, you’ve attended at least one conference and you’re in agreement with our Mission, Values, and Position Statement you can apply to become an official member of the Fellowship.

What is a Fellowship Member?

From our By-Laws:

A. Regular member: A Regular Member of the Fellowship shall be defined as an individual who is a member of the Orthodox Church and who actively supports the purposes of the organization. Regular members are eligible to serve on and lead committees, vote in special and regular meetings, and serve as a member of the Board and/or as an officer of the Fellowship.
B. Friend of the Fellowship:​­ A Friend of the Fellowship shall be a person that supports and is interested in the work of the Fellowship but does not wish to act as a Regular Member of the Fellowship or does not qualify for membership. He or she will have no rights as applied to other types of membership, but may participate in the work of the Fellowship.
C. Dues: The dues of this organization shall be $20 per annum per household. Dues are to be prorated throughout the year with the full amount due by September 1st. Monastics may join the Fellowship free of charge.

Have you read everything above?

Apply to become a member.

Once you’ve submitted your application, someone will reach out to you with a Welcome Packet. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.