Start a Chapter
What is an FSMB Chapter?
Once you’ve become a member and you’ve been gathering regularly with a few other members of the Fellowship, under the guidance of a Spiritual Advisor (a local priest), it’s time to become a local Chapter.
Apply here to become a formal Chapter.
Once you’ve submitted your application, someone will reach out to you with a Welcome Packet and information on setting up a brief interview.

From our By-Laws
The purpose of a Chapter is to actively support the ministry of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black in a given area. This support for the Fellowship at the local level by Chapter Members is exemplified by the following:
- Praying diligently for the the Fellowship, its members, mission and ministry
- Protecting the integrity and reputation of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black
- Encouraging members and others interested in the work of the Fellowship
- Helping volunteers implement, maintain, and plan the ministry of the Fellowship in your local area
- Working closely with regional clergy and those interested in the ministry of the Fellowship
- Organizing a strong financial foundation for the Fellowship locally
- Ensuring fiscal responsibility with regard to the Fellowship nationally
- Sending Members of the Chapter to the Annual Fellowship Conference

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