FSMB Women’s Prayer Group
This group’s mission is to share and engage the prayer requests of its members, whether through Facebook or email list. This group is open to Orthodox Christian women and catechumens. Members are required to profess the universal teachings of the Orthodox Church and to be in support of the mission of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black: “to equip Orthodox Christians for the ministry of Racial Reconciliation, and to share the Orthodox Christian faith with African Americans and people of color.”

This is a place for members to voice their concerns in ways that seek or provide solace for their troubles through prayers and the love of Christ without political “noise.” This is an opportunity to bring the grace of our Lord to bear on situations through collective, intercessory prayer. Prayer requests may be personal, related to ministry, or to local or world events.
- Members are able to post and read prayer requests in the group’s Facebook feed.
- Members may opt to have prayer requests emailed to them by supplying their email address, to be added to an email list.
- If and when there is a call for it, the group administrators may schedule Zoom sessions to allow for:
- Group prayers such as akathists or canons.
- Having difficult and transformative discussions about divisive issues. We will provide skilled facilitators to foster healthy and safe sharing in a faith-centered environment.
By joining this group, you agree to:
- Only share needs for prayer and moral support, or praise and gratitude.
- No political blaming, shaming, or lobbying. No posting of political articles.
- Be discrete in posting/discussing personal information.
- No medical advice/articles of any kind.
- Adhere only to the mission of this group. Do not promote your business, products, and no selling of any kind.
To Apply
1. Fill out this application form to join the FSMB Women’s Prayer Group. Once the group’s administrators confirm that you are eligible, we will add you to the email list and/or Facebook group, depending on your preferences.
2. If you would like to join the Facebook group, go here to request an invitation after filling out the above application.